- Is the S.S.S.C. open during the social distancing efforts to curb the Coronavirus?
We have no plans at this time to open the Club without City or State directives allowing us to legally and safely do so.
- Has the S.S.S.C. been financially impacted by the crisis?
Unfortunately yes, the S.S.S.C. has been impacted. While we remain financially stable due to strong fiscal accountability over recent years, we have already lost significant revenue from clubhouse rentals and annual school picnics.
- Have we received more resignation letters this year than in previous years?
Actually, No. Each year the S.S.S.C. has about a 10% attrition rate. In other words, we lose anywhere from 30-40 members each year for various reasons and we also gain new members at about the same rate. Our resignation rate in 2020 is unchanged
- Will the S.S.S.C. be open this summer and if so, when?
As of today, April 18th, we simply do not know. The current Shelter in Place guidelines are in effect until May 15th. As soon as these guidelines are lifted, we will begin preparing for the swimming season. It will take roughly 3 weeks to prepare for opening.
- Is there a possibility that the S.S.S.C. may not open this season?
Though we are hopeful, we simply do not know at this point. Ultimately, we will all need to follow the City and State Health Guidelines.
- Why should I pay if it’s possible the pool might not open?
S.S.S.C. is an equity club. When you became a member, you received a Certificate which made you an equal share owner with all other full members. If the S.S.S.C. were to be sold tomorrow at a profit, you would receive your prorated share of that profit. When the S.S.S.C. has financial responsibilities that must be met, you also have a prorated share in those obligations. As members, the S.S.S.C. is our not for profit club, and our annual dues are what allow us to operate, whether we are open or closed.
- What operating costs are there if the pool isn’t open?
At our annual members meeting in March, the Board lays out detailed annual financial statements that all are welcome to view & keep. While our largest expense is traditionally the pool, line items like Mortgage Loans, Property Tax, Insurance, & Clubhouse expenses cost hundreds of thousands annually alone. In fact, we do not budget for profit, but budget to cover the costs incurred to run the Club. Our dues allow the Board to provide the best S.S.S.C. experience possible.
- When will we know about the pool?
The S.S.S.C. Board of Directors is comprised of regular members, just like you. The Board pays the same dues, at the same time and has the member’s & club’s best interest in mind. These are unprecedented times and patience is required. The only commitment we can make at this time is that we will continue to assess the situation & communicate with you as it develops. When City & State agencies alert us to any changes, we will immediately alert you.
- If the pool doesn’t open, will I get money back?
Regardless of whether the pool opens, it requires annual maintenance & there will be expenses in the preparation for opening. However, if we do remain closed for the season, a rebate or credit will be likely. We will not know the exact amount until the end of our fiscal year when all expenses have been paid. We are hoping this will not be the case, but we will communicate the process as it is determined.
- When do we need to pay our annual dues by?
Per our By-Laws, April 15th is our annual due date.
- What if we have a financial issue caused by the Pandemic?
The S.S.S.C. is, and will always be, a group of family oriented, good natured people who come together for collective enjoyment. As has been mentioned often, if you have an issue, simply reach out to a Board member & we will do our very best to try and help you. But please remember, we are volunteers that spend countless hours doing our best to make “our” club the best it can be and ask that you treat that with the respect it deserves.
- How will we know if the pool is going to open?
As stated earlier, all we can commit to at this point is consistent communication in the usual means, S.S.S.C. e-mails & our website.